Optimise deals

Make transactions work for you, whatever your situation

Across New Zealand, C-suite executives and board members have renewed confidence in exploring opportunities to revamp and refresh their business portfolios.

That might involve expanding their capabilities through a strategic alliance, merger or acquisition, or public offering. Similarly, it could be a refinement of their portfolio to stimulating growth though divestiture or business restructuring. There are plenty of options, each with their own opportunities.

PwC’s Consulting team play a role in coordinating the operational and planning stages of deals – what we call ‘delivering deal value’ – with the broader PwC team able to manage the entire financial and transactional side of the spectrum. We bring both of these elements together to optimise deals for our clients. 

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Delivering deal value

Delivering deal value comes from a range of strategic and operational planning. PwC’s Consulting team does this through the following specialist services:

  • commercial due diligence

  • general HR due diligence

  • IT due diligence

  • operational due diligence

  • post-merger integration planning

  • synergy review and assessments


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