It’s hard to understate how central education is to New Zealand’s economy and society. The standard we hold our education system to determines who people become, while nurturing the skills of young people is a positive investment in tomorrow’s economy.
But the education sector is facing many challenges. Demographic shifts are changing the demand people have in the educational system, policy decisions constantly tweak the way institutions work and technological innovation is proving a costly – though valuable – way to improve teaching.
The impacts are significant at all levels – from early childhood education using the national curriculum while still trying to keep up with international achievements, to universities tasked with offering an improved student experience while, at the same time, becoming more efficient in their teaching and research endeavours.
Today’s educational organisations – such as school boards, universities, government agencies and NGOs – have to juggle their involvement in the education, government, commercial and financial sectors. PwC’s experts have unique insights, experience and skills working in all these areas, and can work to help education organisations keep their many balls in the air.
We also understand the challenges facing New Zealand’s educators, as well as the many other changes going on in the world that directly or indirectly impact the sector. We can reach out to our experts (both locally and internationally) in various other fields, such as technology and innovation, to find new, better ways of teaching and learning.
And you won’t be surprised to learn that we do all this with a financial eye, ensuring that education providers have the means to improve and the chance to do something special for the future of New Zealand.
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