We are committed to being a kaitiaki (steward) to pursue Te Ao Tūroa - an enduring world, and solve important problems to deliver sustained outcomes across Aotearoa.
Environmental Stewardship
Te ara ā one (earth) reminds us of our deep connection to our planet.
Social Equity
Te ara ā mahuta represents the action of moving forward with knowledge and understanding.
Trust and Transparency
Te ara ā rongo represents the sense of shared understanding that drives us to operate in a way that is trustworthy, transparent and accountable.
Responsible Business
Te ara ā nuku represents the movement and shifts we make to respond to a constantly changing environment.
Transition our business in line with a 1.5 degree climate scenario by:
Sustaining minimal Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Continuing to be powered by 100% renewable electricity in line with our RE100 membership.
Continuing to reduce our Scope 3 business travel emissions through minimising travel and having a policy framework in place.
Offsetting our emissions through high-quality carbon credits and transitioning our carbon credit portfolio to 100% carbon removals.
Engaging with our suppliers to encourage them to set science based targets.
Identify our climate risks and opportunities.
Continue to grow our specialist sustainability capabilities and expertise across all our business units to support our clients in their transition to a sustainable and low carbon economy.
Through our global training programmes, we offer sustainability upskilling to all employees, enabling them to assist clients in understanding and navigating the challenges they face from the environmental agenda.
Support key businesses, policymakers, NGOs and governmental organisations that are working to accelerate the climate agenda through membership and active participation.
Continue to help clients identify and remove barriers to achieving equity through the mahi of our Equity and Hauora practice.
Collaborate with communities and policymakers to create policies, systems and services to drive increased equality.
Play an active role in providing equitable career pathways into and within our organisation.
Provide support through volunteering, disaster response activity, and charitable giving.
Through our Foundation programmes, leverage our skills and relationships with other businesses and the wider community to positively impact children’s well-being through quality education.
Advance governance in the not-for-profit sector through the PwC Foundation ‘On Board’ and ‘On Board Shadow’ programmes.
Empower and equip individuals for future senior leadership or governance roles in Aotearoa via our role as a training organisation.
Remain transparent and accountable by:
Continuing to publish our Audit Transparency report.
Aligning our sustainability reporting with the WEF stakeholders metrics framework.
Continuing to publicly report our gender and ethnicity pay gaps.
Support accountability and transparency in Aotearoa through collaboration partnerships, advocacy and submissions on policy and regulatory change.
Establish our sustainable procurement approach through developing policies and processes aligned with this objective.
Continue to incorporate a kaupapa Māori approach into all aspects of the firm such as strategies, policies, processes and practices.
Enhance cultural confidence and increase engagement in cultural practices.
Progress initiatives to achieve our gender target.
Increase ethnic identification at all levels, particularly for Māori and Pacific peoples through attraction, retention, progression and promotion of talent into leadership roles.
Upskill our team to give them the knowledge, capabilities and tools to adapt to the digital future.
Incorporate new reporting measures to understand and ensure the overall wellness of our people.
Develop our wellbeing strategy Te Hā.
The last few years have been some of the more challenging in Aotearoa New Zealand’s history. The COVID-19 pandemic, fractured geopolitics, social tension, supply chain issues and rising inflation have, and are, affecting our communities in ways we previously couldn’t have imagined.
Our goal is to leverage our skills, our financial and intellectual resources, other businesses and the wider community to help to resolve the societal issue of ‘children’s wellbeing’ in New Zealand.
At PwC New Zealand we are committed to building a workforce that reflects, and is inclusive of, the diverse communities of Aotearoa.