We work frequently with many New Zealand Councils and infrastructure agencies to undertake a range of advisory projects for both the core organisation and associated entities including trusts and CCOs.
We help government agencies solve complex business issues, manage risk and add value to performance through our comprehensive service offerings in human capital, enterprise effectiveness, financial management, governance, risk and compliance, program management, and technology all of which are delivered by our specialists around New Zealand.
To every assignment we bring independence, objectivity and a demonstrated ability to enhance public sector performance. We aim to contribute to advancing government priorities while delivering value for money.
We have been engaged by a number of government departments to undertake high profile New Zealand public sector business cases for complex and substantive capital asset and technology procurements and work alongside agencies to deliver innovative solutions and major Transformation, Process improvement, Capital, Digital and Infrastructure projects.
We help you to focus on addressing the whole picture, integrating the solution with process, structure, people and using the technology to drive meaningful change to achieve your desired outcomes.
We are finding the recent Public Sector change agenda is being driven by a number of key challenges and many conflicting forces are shaping government decision making presently:
We understand the issues you are facing and the questions you need to ask in the current market climate.
Contact us today to find out how we can work with you.
Our Public Sector Research Centre (PSRC) is a place for insights, opinion and research, exploring best practice, views and perspectives on the most pressing challenges being faced by governments.
Chief Markets Officer and Wellington Managing Partner, Wellington, PwC New Zealand
+64 21 585 753