Risk Services Leader, PwC New Zealand
James is the leader of the PwC New Zealand Risk Services practice. He is recognised for his expertise in developing and leading contemporary internal audit practices, and raising risk management effectiveness within organisations. He has a particular interest in using assurance and risk management to support teams in effective decision-making, and brings a people-centred approach to each project.
James is a current board member of the Institute of Internal Auditors, and has held a number of other governance roles outside of PwC.
During the day James helps organisations transform their performance and processes, and at night he and his wife volunteer at an organisation that partners with leaders in India and Nepal, to transform communities among the poor. James believes this co-mingling of experiences enables him to provide his clients with a differentiated, relationship-driven service.
James is passionate about people, leadership and communication - aiming to use all three to improve business and communities throughout the world.
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