Chair, PwC New Zealand
Karen is Chair of PwC New Zealand. She leads the firm’s Board and is responsible for overseeing PwC’s governance and corporate responsibility.
As an experienced PwC Assurance Partner, she is focussed on financial services and audits of large and complex organisations. She has been with PwC for over 33 years and became a partner in 2003. She has worked in both our Pōneke (Wellington) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) offices, in addition to several years with PwC in London. Karen was a member of our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the firm’s Chief Risk and Reputation Officer (CRRO).
Karen enjoys coaching people, providing industry insights and working collaboratively with teams to solve important problems whether financial reporting, control environment or governance related.
For over 10 years Karen contributed to the development of New Zealand’s auditing, assurance and ethical standards. She is a Global Women member and a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Karen enjoys discovering new places with her family, long walks and cycling.
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