Rebuild New Zealand

June 2020

The big questions facing New Zealand

The COVID-19 pandemic and its profound impact has left New Zealanders facing fundamental questions about our future and the kind of country we want New Zealand to be. In this special report we explore the big questions New Zealanders should be thinking about, so that the benefits of recovery and greater prosperity are experienced across all segments of our society.

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The case for real optimism in New Zealand

Despite the dire economic consequences and gloomy predictions resulting from the immediate reactions to the COVID-19-induced economic recession, there is still good reason for New Zealanders to be optimistic about our ability to recover more quickly and strongly than most other countries. We have some natural and unique advantages that set us apart from many other nations.

Nine forces of change will shape New Zealand

The pace of change triggered by COVID-19 is unparalleled in peacetime. Some changes are undoubtedly temporary, but there exist a series of forces that will shape our nation over the coming years.

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A bold approach to saving livelihoods is needed

Business people know that hope alone is not a viable strategy. We need strong leadership and enlightened vision at a political and business level to harness New Zealand’s competitive advantages, achieve the strong and speedy recovery that we all desire and make that prosperity sustainable for future generations.

Seven planks to rebuild New Zealand

Given public finances are limited, there are constraints on just how much the Government can and should do, so decisions need to be weighed and balanced against clear objectives, and prioritised to deliver maximum impact. We have identified seven planks as being fundamental to rebuilding New Zealand’s economy.

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Where to next? Let’s rebuild New Zealand

With courage and leadership, especially from those in positions of influence, be they political, business or community leaders, a small vibrant nation we are well placed to recover quickly and strongly from the COVID-19 economic recession. We can look forward to a prosperous future and a chance to see the benefits of the recovery shared across all elements of our society.

Contact us

Mark Averill

Mark Averill

CEO and Senior Partner, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 646 418

Michele Embling

Michele Embling

Chair, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 807 728

Keren Blakey

Keren Blakey

Chair, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 628 226

Murray Schnuriger

Murray Schnuriger

National Managing Partner - Markets & Growth, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 884 616

Geof Nightingale

Geof Nightingale

Partner, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 940 346

Jeroen Bouman

Jeroen Bouman

Consulting Leader and Wellington Managing Partner, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 585 753

Craig Armitage

Craig Armitage

Managing Partner, Te Waipounamu and China Business Group Lead, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 616 232

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