Environmental, Social and Governance reporting is a hot topic on the agenda of many Management Board teams. Businesses are now understanding that their environmental and social impact in the community – as well as their corporate governance structure and transparency – will become crucial elements for their long term sustainability and competitiveness.
But where can you start in assessing where you stand in terms of ESG compliance, norms and best practices? As an old saying goes, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.
"How do we measure and manage ESG when there are no common standards? Where should we focus, when the list of potential issues is a mile long?”
Most companies are in the early stages of their ESG journey. To support your transformation, we created a learning path.
From the basics, we collected all the todos and best practices that can help you in the strategic reinvention, reimagined reporting, and business transformation.
ESG Awareness
Introduction to ESG and ESG reporting
Sustainable finance
Net zero
European sustainability reporting and taxonomy
Sustainability reporting frameworks and the GRI Standards
EU taxonomy deep dive
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRI fundamentals
Following the Principles of GRI Reporting
Definition of ESG
Global trends and risks
Global practice
ESG reporting standards
Related organisations
Evolution of ESG disclosures
in the financial sector
ESG ratings
Sustainable finance overview
Reporting regulations for financial institutions (SFDR, CSRD, and more)
ESG risks for financial institutions
ESG reporting journey
The climate challenge
Understanding net zero
Start your net zero journey
Steps and lessons to
net zero activities
Key takeaways
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Integrated strategy
Sustainability reporting standard
New materiality analysis under
the ESRS
Stakeholder mapping
The background and the structure of the EU taxonomy legislation
Which companies need to comply with the EU taxonomy and when
Environmental objectives and how to align with them according to
the regulations
The technical screening criteria and the high-level reporting requirements
Sustainability reporting frameworks
Developments within the reporting landscape
Materiality and its boundaries
History of the GRI Standards
Key concepts and reporting principles of
the GRI
Reporting in accordance/reference to the GRI
Structure of the GRI Standards
The background of the GRI and why it has been established
How the GRI compares to other relevant reporting standards and frameworks, and how they can be applied simultaneously
Summary of the changes and updates to GRI 2021 (compared to GRI 2016)
How key concepts ensure that reports are prepared and interpreted in a uniform manner
Applying concepts to guarantee a level of harmony between reports published in different industries and countries
Exploring the reporting principles ensuring that reports are reliable and of high quality
Applying the reporting principles to comply with the GRI requirements