Weekly market wrap up by PwC Treasury Advisory

A short informal summary of economic and market developments from across the past week. The bite-sized content focuses on aspects that are interesting, topical or quirky.


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Alex Wondergem

Alex Wondergem

Partner, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 041 2127

Brett Johanson

Brett Johanson

Executive Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 771 574

Tom Lawson

Tom Lawson

Executive Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 27 421 0733

Rob Ford

Rob Ford

Executive Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 836 196

Natasha Reddington

Natasha Reddington

Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 27 337 9758

Janet Chang

Janet Chang

Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 840 533

Mike Shirley

Mike Shirley

Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 274 809 770

Sanjay  Surendran

Sanjay Surendran

Associate Director, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 210 490 193

Rajeev Verma

Rajeev Verma

Manager, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 024 86011

William  Trapeznik

William Trapeznik

Senior Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 27 283 0248

Ganan  Jeyakumar

Ganan Jeyakumar

Senior Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 27 281 0857

Ben Bridgman

Ben Bridgman

Senior Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 21 315 089

Sam Duncan

Sam Duncan

Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 27 363 7918

Duncan Roff

Duncan Roff

Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 20 4018 8403

Grace  Wynne

Grace Wynne

Analyst, PwC New Zealand

Tel: +64 274 081 314
