Our PwC community

At PwC, we understand that everyone has different priorities and drivers. Free2Be is made up of diverse communities of individuals which we’re proud of and we aim to create a safe culture where everyone can bring their whole selves to work.

Our Free2Be network of groups have universal shared interests to encourage participation in our community groups, network and provide a platform to share persectives, provide mentoring across all areas of the organisation and help you settle into your environment to help you succeed faster. Our PwC community groups also host various events throughout the year for staff to attend. Find out more about our Free2Be groups below.

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The PwC way

Hear about our culture and what it's like to work at PwC

Our PwC community groups

Shine (LGBTI+)

Shine is our PwC Pride branding to illustrate our strong commitment to the LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other sexuality) communities, diversity and inclusiveness both internally and around the world. The name was selected to help us consistently illustrate and achieve our shared vision of:  

  • Creating a welcoming atmosphere
  • Letting people be themselves, confident
  • Removing obstacles, creating opportunities, being an advocate.  

Every day, our LGBTI+ group members shine the light on important issues in society and we work hard to make our culture stronger and to create brighter opportunities that let each and every one of us truly shine. 

Manukura Māori

Te Māramatanga: Building your Te Ao Māori knowledge base

Driven by our Manukura Māori team and as part of PwC's commitment to building a strong inclusive culture, the firm is continuing to invest in our peoples cultural competency through our programme - Te Māramatanga: Building your Te Ao Māori knowledge base. Our goal is to enlighten and guide staff with their learning journey, and to support them to use te reo in their daily lives.

Manukura Māori business team

How do you plan on helping your whānau, your hapū, your iwi, yourself to achieve better cultural, social, environment and economic outcomes? Living and breathing Te Ao Māori provides you with a unique perspective and insights that help to deal with matters of importance to Māori. Many of these matters have to do with the commercial side of things, and if that is a kaupapa that interests you then we want you to talk to us.

Our dedicated Manukura Māori business team brings our services to Māori clients in a Māori setting. Our passionate Manukura Māori business team are looking for like minded individuals to join the PwC whānau and help drive outcomes for Māori.

Many iwi and hapū are focused on how to protect and grow their assets and pūtea. This requires strong skills in commerce, and so they look to you - this young generation - to protect and grow that wealth; the wealth that you and your children will one day inherit.

Pacific at PwC

Pacific at PwC is an open community of Pacific people and allies within PwC New Zealand (and our global network). We welcome anyone who identifies with, has ties to or wants to be involved with the broader Pacific community - a representation of the thousands of islands that make up Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. 

Our mission is to raise awareness, celebrate and incorporate Pacific cultures at PwC, and in the wider community. We are also committed to providing a strong and inclusive support network to all our community, as well as working together to drive personal, PwC and Pasifika business growth.

PwC Asian Network

PwC Asian Network is a community designed for Asian colleagues and allies at PwC New Zealand. It aims at promoting diversity within PwC, inspiring, connecting and supporting accounting / finance professionals in the wider Asian community.

PwC Asian Network organises a mixture of internal and external presentations, networking and social events throughout the year. 

Families at PwC

Families@PwC is one of our newest employee networks and is due to formally launch in May 2020.

Families come in all shapes and sizes and we welcome everyone to join our network. This community was set up to support families and those who currently balance career and care. It a place for people to share stories, ask questions, seek advice and support, meet new people and attend some awesome family events.

Women in leadership

We want to empower our women to lead - the diagram below shows our key activities on how we do this:

If you would like to learn more about our PwC community groups, please contact us via the email at the bottom of this page.

PwC Foundation

How we interact with the wider community is just as important as our internal PwC community. That’s why we have our community involvement program - the PwC Foundation. It provides the opportunity for us to make a significant and lasting contribution to the communities we work in by leveraging the enormous talent, enthusiasm and generosity of our people across New Zealand.

The PwC Foundation's core focus is Child Welfare through Education. We have two literacy programmes staff can get involved in to engage with children in local low decile schools nationally.

  • FLiP - our Financial Literacy Program connects our staff with children aged 8-12 and teaches them the basics of financial literacy over four one hour modules.
  • Toitoi - a reading in schools initiative, connects our staff with primary school children where we read and discuss journals of kiwi kids writing and artwork, and encourage kids to read, write and draw. 

The PwC Foundation also runs PwC On Board - a board placement programme to connect our staff to governance opportunities in the Not-for-profit sector. PwC actively encourage staff to use their PwC specific skill sets in the community to assist charities and not for profits, alongside their client work. 

Visit our page on Corporate Responsibility for more information.


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PwC Student Careers Team

PwC Student Careers, PwC New Zealand

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