We offer seamless delivery across transaction services, tax and other professional services. Our expertise offers additional credibility for our clients in the eyes of prospective counter-parties.
Our links to the global network of PwC firms provides relationships with key global market participants. Our close relationship with our Australian colleagues ensures a comprehensive understanding of the Australasian marketplace.
Sell-side lead advisory services with a particular focus on privately-owned businesses and non-core operations
Buy-side lead advisory services, advising both private equity funds and corporates.
Private Equity
Strong relationships with key Australasian private equity firms. We specialise in matching private equity firms to the right investment opportunities, and assisting with subsequent exits.
Capital Raisings
We offer advice on capital raisings principally via bank debt, mezzanine debt, high net worth individuals and private equity
Strategic Relationships
Formation of strategic relationships, including joint ventures and mergers.
Managing Partner, Te Waipounamu and China Business Group Lead, Canterbury, PwC New Zealand
+64 21 616 232